Thursday, September 6, 2012

Career-Changing Tips from the Web

  •  Teachers are in a great position to transition to writing for kids. Here's a story from Fast Company about an approach that worked for a lawyer-turned-YA author.
  • A great case study of a teacher who successfully transitioned to a career in marketing.
  • Branding: It’s not just for companies. Creating a personal brand can help you land a new job. Here are some tips.
  • An inspiring read about reinventing yourself with a great slide show.
  •  If you aspire to leave teaching at the end of the 2012-2013 school year, take a look NOW at your social media profiles and make sure they reflect you in the best possible light.  This article from Mashable has some helpful charts suggesting what should and shouldn't be there.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Welcome to my new and improved blog.

A year ago, I began this blog, then ignored it. It was meant as a means of documenting my last year in the classroom, where I’d discuss how I made my transition to a new career. The truth is, I spent much of the past year floundering, trying to figure out what I wanted to do, and being overwhelmed. Many of my students were difficult and dealing with the challenges drained me, but it also added to my resolve to leave. 

Earlier this month, I officially resigned from a fifteen-year teaching career. And I decided to chase my real goal: to work from home as a freelance writer. So I’m back, and I’ll be sharing ideas and tips for my fellow teachers who need and want to do something different. Maybe you’re a veteran who knows in your heart it’s time to go. Or maybe you’re a recently minted teacher, frustrated by the current job market and ready to consider alternatives. I hope this is helpful.